Welcome to the Health and Illness Blog!

Hi, I’m Kimia, an inquirer of the intersection of health sciences and humanities…

As a Neuroscience major at the University of Illinois at Chicago, I am constantly intrigued by the immense amount of knowledge I acquire about natural sciences. Though, I always felt the lack of social sciences and humanities in my college experience. The ongoing manifestations on where to draw the imaginary line between sciences and the humanities made me wonder about the possibility of integrating the two disciplines fluidly at the undergraduate level.

In the pursuit of a medium that allows me to explore the humanities of health and medical sciences, I became a part of the Engaged Humanities Initiative at UIC. As a part of my research project, I am creating this blog to start a conversation on the human experience of well-being, pain, and illness, in the scope of Health Humanities. My EHI experience has enlightened me of the humanities’ power in providing the means to explore and conduct debates about the values of science and human life. Due to the spread of the COVID-19, we will first explore how the pandemic has affected the U.S. Healthcare System. The blog approaches these topics from the perspectives of the patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers.

If you are passionate about the philosophy of well-being, addressing health disparities, or the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the human experience of health and illness, read on!

Let’s engage, explore, and discuss!