Reflections on Writing an Engaging Patient Blog

In her article Reflections on Writing an Engaging Patient Blog, Sheryl Ness reflects on how blogs can be utilized as a platform for patients to interact virtually and engage in educational conversations. Ness gives an overview of how to start and manage a successful blog. A patient blog should revolve around the collective experiences and concerns of a certain group of patients while it also expands on the literature, research, and press on a topic of interest.

The first step of writing a successful blog is to research, choose, and review a topic that is relevant to patients, Ness explains (2016). When crafting an applicable structure and organization, a blog should entail an interesting title to attract readers followed by an introductory paragraph that is insightful and leads to thought-provoking questions. By using simple, conversational, and informal language throughout the blog, the patients will retain the information better and have the means to communicate about various issues. The language should attain to develop a virtual conversation that allows readers to connect to the author on a personal level and intensifies the trust among the target audience. Feedback and material consistency is crucial in maintaining a successful blog that engages readers and builds upon previous discussions. Empowering the patients’ unique experiences in the form of narrative creates a virtual educational institution for those involved in the healthcare system.

Source: Ness, S. M. (2016). Reflections on Writing an Engaging Patient Blog. Journal of Cancer Education, 32(4), 933-934. doi:10.1007/s13187-016-1006-5

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